
  1. 大理石产品:做好隔热处理:不要让85°以上的物体直接接触大理石;当高温物体接触大理石时,需添加隔热垫,防止台面褪色或破裂。
  2. 布艺沙发的保养、清洁:在清洗沙发护套后需要注意,不是所有的护套都能熨烫的。有些弹性护套是必须避免熨烫的,即使要熨也要考虑布料的外观,熨护套内侧会比较合适,如果护套是棉质,则更不适宜熨烫。
  3. 皮质保养:先用干净的软布将灰尘净,再将软用1:10肥皂水或1:20的洗发水溶液浸湿拧干后,轻轻擦拭污渍处。

Pendant Marietta S32 Outdoor吊灯






设计师:Joana Bover



Joana created the first Marietta two years ago, a very personal interpretation of the classic industrial suspended lamps that lit most factories in Europe in the early twentieth century. The Marietta lamp is contemporary, decorative, warm, and enveloping. The original Marietta is clearly an indoor light but Joana wanted to adapt it for outdoor settings. To do so, the Outdoor version is made from white polyethylene, with which she imitated the texture and wave-like form of the ribbon-shade in the original design. It is a lamp designed for terraces, parasols and pergolas; and also for kitchens, bars and restaurants. It is a perfect go-to for all these spaces: resistant, easy to clean and very versatile. This versatility has to do with the timelessness that Joana is always looking for in her designs. Her works can stand next to classical pieces and with contemporary ones. This ensures they can be incorporated naturally into people's lives. The Marietta Outdoor is, for many reasons, an example of 'slow-cooked' design where non-conformity and Joana's conviction play important roles in creating the best possible final product. "Every little detail of Marietta Outdoor was thought about a thousand times. Bover takes this precise approach with every lamp they design. This is what separates many products from others. The quality lies not only in the materials but also in the industrial development behind them", explains Joana. This is why Marietta Outdoor is the best Marietta we have been able to develop.

-Pendant Marietta S32 Outdoor吊灯